This link lets you access a comprehensive "About Me" file that chronicles my education, teaching and work experiences.
So, facts about me:
~ Born, raised, Iowa educated
~ "Iowa nice" (Google it)
~ Fisherperson
~ Kayaker:
~ Lover of Tom Hanks' work
~ Afraid of grasshoppers (yikes)
~ Love life, but not afraid of death
~ Living well is the best revenge.
So, how did I get from UCSF, to Cedars, to UCLA and Neuroscience Nursing? I've always wanted to educate nurses, even as I graduated from nursing school, way back.
One of my early mentors, Helen Ripple at UCSF, told me once, "A really good Clinical Nurse Specialist teaches herself out of a job." I believe that. I've also been told I can make the difficult concepts of neuroscience understandable. I take that as the highest compliment.
Today, I'm a nurse entrepreneur -- devoting myself to educating nurses, honoring their work and helping them pay for furthering their education.
If you are someone, or a company who would consider joining, or becoming involved with my Operation Scrubs symposium programs, let's start with an email. Tell me about yourself and leave a message.
Better yet, pick up the phone and give me a call at (800) 627-6156, Ext. 802
Until next time ...
Dog Lover:
Chico & Rascal (left) were my best furry friends, they've crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Cooper (right) is the new baby -- all are King Charles Cavaliers.
P.S. ... and when I'm not working, I'm turning some of my "bucket list" thoughts into actual experiences:
Taste of Rattlesnake, Jumped from a perfectly good airplane, Big Bad Voodoo Daddy Concert, 137 MPH in Richard Petty's NASCAR